I – Classifications of Our Bananas for Exporting:
1. Class A
a. 4,5,6 Big Hands – Minimum of 7.5 Max of 12 inches in length
b. 7,8,9 Small Hands – Minimum of 6.5 Max of 7.5 inches in length
2. Cluster Pack Class A
a. 4,5,6 Big Hands – Minimum of 7.5 Max of 12 inches in length
3. Finger Pack A
a. 4,5,6 Big Hands – Minimum of 7.5 Max of 12 inches in length
II – Calibration:
1. Big Hands – 39mm to 47mm
2. Small Hands – 36mm to 39m
3. Cluster Pack –39mm to 47mm
4. Finger Pack – Minimum 39mm to maximum 47mm


Specifications – 19.5kg box:
Variety: Cavendish bananas
Class: Premium
Case Style: 208
Type of packing: Vacuum
Grade: 39 – 46
Net weight: 19.5 kg.
Gross Weight: 14.5 kgs
Hands: 4H,5H,6H
Finger size: 20 cm min
Number of fingers per hand: min 12 max 24-26
Number of  boxes per container:

1560 without pallets