Retail Packages:
1 kg x 12
2,5 kg x 6
5 kg x 4

Bulk Packages:
25 kg, 50 kg, 1000 kg


General requirements

• Moisture: 12% max

• Total damage: 2% max

• Total foreign material: 1% max

• Unhusked grains: 1% max

• Broken: 2% max

• Discolored: 1% max

• Cooking time: 15 minutes (no soaking)

• Organoleptic: Clean and bright appearance, Natural smell

• Live insect: Nil

Damaged grains include lentils which are distinctly damaged by frost, heat, weather, disease, or other causes, or are distinctly soiled or stained by nightshade, dirt, or toxic material.

Foreign materials are metallic pieces, shale, glass, dust, sand, gravel, stones, dirt, pebbles, lumps earth, clay, mud, animal filth, seed coats, straws, weeds and other vegetable matters.

Discolored includes Split Lentils which are distinctly blemished and / or off color from the characteristic color of the predominating class.