Plastic Bottle, Bulk, Can (Tinned), Drum, Flexitank
In transparent PET bottle—-1L, 2L, 3L, 4L and 5L (With Handle).
In jerrycan—- 5L, 10L, 20L, 25L and 220L.
In metal tin—-16L, 14kg (with or without carton), 15L /15 kg, 16 kg (with or without carton), 17L/17kg, 18L /18 kg, 20L metal tin with bung hole (Round or Square)
In metal drum—- 200L
In flexitank—- 20MT/20’FCL


Free Fatty Acids (As OLEIC) Molecular Weight 282-Basis: BASE 1.00%
MAX. 1.25%
Moisture and Volatile Matter: 0.20% MAX.
Density (Specific Weight) at 25 C and 4 C Min. 0.9180 Max. 0.9225
Flash Point: MORE THAN 121 (250 F)
Saponification value Min. 188 Max. 198
Impurities (Insoluble in Petrol Ether): 0.10% MAX.
Unsaponifiables Matter (test as per N.O.P.A.): Max. 1.50 pct.
Sediment (Gardner Break Test): 0.10% MAX.
Lecithin (expressed as Phosphorous): 0.02% MAX.
Color Index (MG Iodine) (Lovibond Cell 1 inch): 50-60 Yellow and 5-6 Red.
Refractive index at 20 degrees C: 1.505 to 1.512
Halphen reaction Negative
Density (at 15° C): 900-930kg/m3
Flash Point: 220°C ( closed up, Pensky-Martens method)
Calorific value: 35.000 kJ/kg
Kinematic viscosity: 38 mm2/3 (40°C)
Coke deposit: 0.4 mass-% (Conradson procedure)
Iodine value: 100-120g/100g
Sulphur content: 20mg/kg
Neutralizations number: 2,0mg KOH/g
Phosphorus content: 15mg/kg
Water content: 75mg/kg
Ash: 0.01 mass%